Blessing Kids and Reaching Cities
Mbonisi “Bones” and Tash Malaba of OneTribe Church in Nairobi
Mbonisi “Bones” Malaba and his wife, Tash, are longtime friends of the Confluence family. We’ve been encouraged by their enthusiasm for Jesus and their conviction that the gospel has power to unite people from every tribe and family on earth. After planting a thriving church in Zimbabwe, Bones and Tash felt God calling them to plant another church in Nairobi, Kenya. The Malabas, along with two other couples, launched OneTribe Church in January 2017.
Confluence was eager to support this new church plant however we could. We took up special offerings at local churches and pooled our resources to help defray the cost of launching a new church in a large city. Additionally, we knew that the leaders of OneTribe Church shared a sense that God wanted them to reach their city specifically through blessing children, and Confluence wanted to invest in that vision.
Last year, Trinity Church (Chicago) sent a team to Nairobi to help run a day camp for kids. The team planned the entire program so that members of OneTribe Church would be free to connect with kids and enjoy themselves. More than thirty children participated each day, with several families returning for Sunday services.
The 2017 team from Trinity Church (Chicago) in Kenya
The 2017 trip went so well, Trinity decided to send another team this summer. In August, they returned to Nairobi, prepared to host another Kids Club with OneTribe Church and share God’s love with even more local children. Over a four-day period, 114 kids participated in the camp, enjoying times of worship, games, crafts, and Bible stories. This included children who are part of OneTribe Church and neighbors from the wider community, plus kids from local children’s centers providing care for the orphaned and disadvantaged.
Through on-the-ground initiatives like this one, as well as prayer and financial support, we’re committed to serving alongside OneTribe Church as they proclaim the gospel in Nairobi. As Confluence churches partner with our wider family around the world, we are strengthened at every level. These relationships have enriched us all, and we look forward to serving together for years to come. (See more pics from the trip and read a report from this summer’s team here.)
The August 2018 team from Trinity Church with Kids Camp participants