Confluence Blog is a collective of pastors, leaders and writers from Confluence. We also have guest bloggers from the wider Newfrontiers family and friends from other church movements. Below are some of the main Confluence leaders who oversee and contribute to Confluence Blog.
Terry virgo
Ian Ashby
Lynn fleshman
Tim Chambers
Andy Tommelleo
John Orton
carl Herrington
Dillon Neely
Mike Young
RAchel Grammatic
John Lanferman
Bo noonan
Greg Nelson
Seth hoffman
Alissa Cooley
Shannon hein
Andy Cooley
Carla Rogers
Nic Lines
Bryan mowrey
Sam Poe
Daniel west
Jordan Dillon
Waymond Hampton
Mike Lawson
Grace Henry
Ben cotten
Brice Fogle
Rachel Peterson
David Devenish
Matt Hosier
Jon Tyson
Josh Kouri
Natalie Williams
Phil Moore
Andrew Wilson