Building Up the Body in Mozambique
In June, we sent 26 people from three Confluence churches in the Southeast to Nampula, Mozambique! This was the third time we’ve sent a team to serve our family in Moz, and it was the biggest team yet! Our goal this year was to serve the teachers at Rapale International School by stepping in and teaching their classes for a few days and also helping practically around the farm.
Sarah Worstell with kids from Rapale School
During the first part of the week, our team was able to shadow the teachers and then jump right into teaching the amazing kids at Rapale, which allowed teachers time to go on their first retreat together since the school was started! Other team members had the privilege of starting work on the new high school by helping make over 1,000 bricks and hauling them up to the new building site. We also had people helping practically with plumbing and other construction work. Throughout the week, our team also toured many businesses our friends have started in Moz, as well as attending two of the five churches!
Breaking ground at Rapale’s new high school
We asked a few team members to share their highlights from the trip, and here’s what they had to say:
Beth Wong - Jubilee Church:
“Mozambique truly blew me away. On the trip, I saw things I will never unsee, things that will stick with me forever. The people and children I have come in contact with have changed my perspective completely. If I were to draw a diagram of my life before Mozambique, it would be a giant circle with me in the middle. if I were to draw a diagram post Mozambique, it would be a giant circle with God in the middle. With God at the center, I now see purpose, and I truly understand the purpose of my life. Everything I do is solely based on Him, and I am living in a way that solely advances His Kingdom.”
Beth Wong with kids from Rapale School
Catarina Ratcliffe - Living Hope Church:
“My trip to Mozambique is one I will never forget. I don’t only mean ‘forget’ as in my memory, but deep down in my heart. I will forever carry these people in my heart! I was impacted most by the overwhelming sense of joy the people had there, along with their sincere and caring hearts. I learned that joy can’t be found in material things, because they had very little...but they had SO much joy! The love I felt by their tight hugs can’t be compared to anything I have ever felt before. Although there was a language barrier, there was not a love barrier.”
Stanley Worstell - Lifehouse Church:
“There was so much that I learned during the trip to Mozambique! One of the most impactful things was seeing God's plan for the nations. Here in the United States, I feel like we can see things differently, with some of that being good and some being bad. In Mozambique, the second poorest nation in the world, I saw how God is building His Kingdom and it blew my mind! Another big take-way for me was that our vision has to be bigger than just our life, and we should live as a sacrifice for God's Kingdom to advance.”
Kraig Guffey - Jubilee Church:
“Since returning from Mozambique, I have been asked a number of times, ‘How did the trip impact you?’ As I’ve reflected on this question, and this trip, I was pointed to Ephesians 4:16, and it really captured what I experienced, what I’ve brought back, and what I hope to build on in my life ahead: “From him the whole body, joined and held together by every supporting ligament, grows and builds itself up in love, as each part does its work.”
It was like having the incredible privilege of seeing inside the body of Christ – how it works, each part’s function. As if it was a field trip with Mrs. Frizzle from The Magic School Bus. To see the ligaments of the teachers, the students, the local business leaders, the staff – ligaments that were all in action. Also, to see the ligaments of the US team – not just those who were on the trip serving the students, teachers, and building efforts, but all those who were at home; praying, giving, cheering, supporting.
The body of Christ. In action. Joined together ( although 8,710 miles apart) with each part doing its work, supporting growth in love. So beautiful. And the body is healthy! To see eight baptisms, strong discipleship, congregation growth. WOW! We all have a function, a place, a part, in the body. I hope to never lose sight of that privilege, and I hope I never lose the perspective that we are together, building each other up.”
We feel so privileged to not only be partnering with our friends in Mozambique but also helping advance the Kingdom of God! We look forward to future trips where more lives and perspectives are changed!
The most recent Mozambique team