Chronological Bible Storytelling

Chronological Bible Storytelling

How did Jesus preach?

Some today feel that Chronological Bible Storytelling is a new and unproven innovation. It is important to see that far from being something new and novel it is as old as the Bible itself. Jesus used this approach on the very day of his resurrection. He met two of his disciples on the road to Emmaus, a village about seven miles from Jerusalem. As he joined them on their way they did not recognize him. The two are full of sorrow and confusion over the death of Jesus. Now, here is the newly resurrected Jesus walking along with them. He wants to show them who he actually is. It might have been expected that he would perform some amazing sign for them to show them that his is risen from the dead. But he begins to tell them God’s Great Salvation Story, starting at the very beginning with Genesis and taking them through to the end with the words of the prophets. Then he showed them how he stood at center stage in this great drama. (Luke 24:27)

If those with whom we want to share Christ’s salvation don’t catch the big picture they will be left with many gaps in their understanding of what Jesus has accomplished for us through his death, burial and resurrection. There are key stories they must hear from the Books of Genesis to Revelation in order to catch the full impact of what Jesus has done for us. Without catching something of the worldview brought to us by the story of the Bible there lurks the grave danger of perceiving particular truths of the Gospel in the light of old cultural mindsets and wrong worldview assumptions may remain unchallenged.

Telling the Story in the local church

I would recommend that every church acquire a means of telling God’s Big Story, starting in Genesis through to Revelation, for all those who are coming into the life of the church. This can be done periodically through a series of stories shared on Sunday mornings in the main gatherings of the church; or perhaps a small group gathering that is ongoing in the life of the church, where newcomers could attend, hear the stories told and participate in discussion around each story. During such times questions will often arise in the group where the story has challenged concepts that run counter to the truth of Scripture.

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